How to Spot Legitimate Websites

It’s natural to worry about whether a website is real, especially with so many scammers online nowadays. Phishing and scams are common, and they aim to steal your info for money.

Scams online can start with fake emails or texts leading to fake websites. These websites look real but are made to cheat you. Phishing is a trick to get your info through emails or texts that seem legit but aren’t.

an image of a laptop and a lens showing how to know if a website is legit
an image of a laptop and a lens showing how to know if a website is a legit website

How to Know if a website is legit:

  1. Check the address bar and web address.
  2. Look for an SSL certificate.
  3. Watch out for bad spelling or grammar.
  4. Check the website’s domain.
  5. See if there’s a contact page.
  6. Check if the company is on social media.
  7. Look for a privacy policy.
  8. Be careful of strange links in emails.

How can you tell if a website is safe?

With more people keeping their stuff on computers, it’s super important to stay safe from internet bad guys trying to get into your files.

They can attack your computer or try to steal your info from a bad website you visit, even just once.

The best thing is to avoid these bad websites altogether.

Here are some signs a website might be bad and how to protect yourself:

  1. Never click links in emails. Even if they’re from someone you know, type the link into your browser yourself.
  2. Use your smarts. Does a website seem weird? Is it asking for personal info? If it feels unsafe, don’t risk it.
  3. Look for signs it’s real. Does the website have contact info or seem legit? If you’re unsure, reach out to them by phone or email to check.
  4. Check the URL. If it’s a site you visit often, is the URL spelt right? Sometimes scammers make fake sites that look almost the same. A small typo could take you to a fake site.
  5. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Is the website offering something at a crazy low price? Or promising big money? Trust your gut if it feels too good. Look for reviews or warnings from other users.
  6. Check link properties. Right-clicking a link and picking “Properties” shows where it goes. Does it match where it says it goes?

Always watch out for signs you’re on a bad website. Smart people noticing something wrong and reporting it helps keep everyone safe.

How can I make sure my website is secure?

Install an SSL certificate

work with a reliable hosting provider

Use strong passwords

Update your site regularly

How to find fake websites?

Fake accounts can be found through the following steps:

Make sure the website address is correct.

Check for a padlock symbol in the browser.

Use website checkers or safe browsing tools.

Watch out for bad spelling, strange designs, or other warning signs.

See how old the website is.

Be careful of deals that seem too good to be real.

Read what other people say in reviews, and watch out for scam reports.

Understand the shipping and return rules.

Be cautious with unusual payment methods.

Don’t trust things that are supposed to make you feel safe.

Run a virus scan to make sure the website is safe.


In an age where online security is paramount, knowing how to identify legitimate websites is essential for safeguarding your personal information and digital assets.

By checking the web address, looking for security features, using trusted tools, and trusting your instincts, you can navigate the web with confidence and peace of mind.

Remember, vigilance is key when it comes to protecting yourself from online threats, so stay informed and stay safe.

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How to Spot Legitimate Websites

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